No one’s faith should determine somebody else’s fate. Ever. NM Entiende fights to ensure that all New Mexicans —across all identities —can make decisions about their own lives according to their own values and beliefs, without fear of rejection or harm.
The digital FAITH convening is an opportunity for New Mexicans to come together for a day of learning, creativity, empowerment, and belonging. Through art, storytelling, and educational panels, we invite our communities to reclaim what faith means and celebrate all of their identities.
Upon registration, we will also provide printable coloring sheets by Paloma Nava. Be sure to check your email for the download link. *ASL Interpretation Provided.
La fe de nadie debería determinar el destino de otra persona. Nunca. NM Entiende lucha para asegurar que todos los Nuevo Mexicanos —con todas sus identidades— puedan tomar decisiones sobre sus propias vidas de acuerdo con sus propios valores y creencias, sin temor al rechazo o daño.
La convocatoria digital FAITH es una oportunidad para que los Nuevo Mexicanos se reúnan en un día de aprendizaje, creatividad, empoderamiento y pertenencia. A través del arte, la narración de historias y paneles educativos, invitamos a nuestras comunidades a reclamar lo que significa la fe y celebrar todas sus identidades.
Al registrarse, también le proporcionaremos un enlace de descarga donde puede imprimir hojas para colorear de la artista Paloma Nava. Asegúrese de revisar su correo electrónico para ver el enlace de descarga. *Interpretación de lengua de señas será proporcionado
Day 1: “Challenging White Nationalism and the Religious Right – equipping and mobilizing Faith Leaders, Advocates, and Community Leaders” Schedule
- 9:00 – 9:30 – Welcome and Introductions
- 9:30 – 11:00 – Eric Ward, Executive Director, Western States Center, Portland OR. Racism, Anti-Semitism and the Struggle for Inclusive Democracy
- 11:30 – 1:00 – Charity Woods, Interfaith Voices for Reproductive Justice, Atlanta, GA. The Origins and History of Religious Liberty and Freedom as it Relates to Reproductive Justice (RJ) Issues, Using a Reproductive Justice Lens.
- 1:30 – 3:30 – Marian Naranjo, Honor Our Pueblo Existence, Santa Clara, NM, Rachael Lorenzo, Indigenous Women Rising, Albuquerque, NM. White Christian Colonialism and its Continuing Impacts on Both Indigenous and Settler communities
- 4:00 – 5:00 – Closing and next steps
Day 2: Schedule
- 9:00am MDT – Introductions and Know Your Rights: Finding Dignity and Respect Amidst Religious Refusals in New Mexico
- 10:15am MDT – Conozca sus derechos: dignidad y respeto en medio de rechazos religiosos en Nuevo México
- 11:30am MDT – Guided Art Session
- 1:30pm MDT – LGBTQ Rights at the Supreme Court
- 2:45pm MDT – In Plain Sight: Hyde as a Religious Refusal in IHS
- 4:00pm MDT – Closing remarks and After School Special: Drag Queen Story Time Edition*
* – We are offering free copies of the two books we will be reading for parents who want to follow along at home with their kids. Please remember to add on this option when registering.
Day 1: Panel Descriptions
Welcome and Introductions
15 minutes for greeting
15 minutes for business
Opening Greeting from Chris Hedges, author of American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. 15 minutes for Greeting, 15 minutes for business.
Anti-Semitism and the Struggle for Inclusive Democracy
45 minutes for presentation
30 minutes for Q & A
America is on a precipice. Whether we go over the edge into the abyss of a full-blown authoritarian state or find firm ground on which to construct an inclusive democracy depends on what we do now and in the days ahead.
The Origins and History of Religious Liberty and Freedom as it Relates to Reproductive Justice (RJ) Issues, Using a Reproductive Justice Lens
45 minutes for presentation
30 minutes for Q & A
This presentation will start with a grounding in the reproductive justice theory and framework, connect racial and other injustices of the past to those of today, and how they were/are rooted and perpetuated by a form of white supremacy and Christian exceptionalism. The presentation will also highlight how Christianity has been weaponized to oppress and limit the rights of other marginalized communities such as LGBTQI, immigrants, women, and those of other religious traditions. The so-called religious freedom and liberty we see propagated under this administration is a continuation of this legacy. The presentation closes with looking at some of those recent efforts.
White Christian Colonialism and its Continuing Impacts on Both Indigenous and Settler Communities
Any attempt to address the current threat of White Nationalism and the Religious Right must begin by recognizing that the entire history of this nation is a history of white nationalism and religious subordination. Justified by the Doctrine of Discovery, the Spanish conquistadors, accompanied by Catholic friars proselytization of Indigenous people, led to the violent colonization of New Mexico in the southwest. They were followed by Protestant missionaries, Anglo settlers and the federal government. The indigenous peoples of New Mexico continue to survive and thrive in the on-going occupation of their sacred ancestral lands by those of us who have settled here. This reality must humble us and require us to acknowledge this history and work to correct it.
Day 2: Panel Descriptions
Know Your Rights: Finding Dignity and Respect Amidst Religious Refusals in New Mexico / Panel y Conozca-sus-derechos (Inglés)*
45 minutes for presentation
15 minutes for Q and A
The Human Rights Act in New Mexico offers protections for people who have faced discrimination because of who they are, where they’re from, and who they love. While legal recourse is one way to take on discriminatory practices, this isn’t always an option. All New Mexicans, in ALL of their identities, deserve to access care and services with dignity and respect. Join us for a panel discussion that will provide more insight into your rights around religious refusals in our state, and how to manage the emotional toll discrimination can take on those whose identities are already systemically marginalized.
Conozca sus derechos: dignidad y respeto en medio de rechazos religiosos en Nuevo México (Español)
45 Minutes for presentations
15 minutes for Q & A
En esta sesión compartiremos los derechos que usted tiene contra los rechazos religiosos aquí en el estado de Nuevo México. Repasamos el contenido que fue compartido durante la sesión en inglés y tendremos un espacio para cualquier pregunta que tengan.
Guided Art Session: Writing Workshop / Sesión de arte guiada (Bilingue)
60 minutes
The focus of this guided writing workshop is to ground us to allow us space to remember and bask in the beautiful things, people, and places that represent and influence who we are and where we come from.
El enfoque de este taller de escritura guiada es enraizarnos a fin de permitirnos un espacio para recordar y disfrutar de las cosas hermosas, las personas y los lugares que representan e influyen en quiénes somos y de dónde venimos.
LGBTQ Rights at the Supreme Court / Derechos LGBTQ en la Corte Suprema (Inglés)*
45 minutes for presentation
15 minutes for Q&A
The Supreme Court ruled in June that LGBTQ people cannot be fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identify as a matter of federal law, affirming legal protections from job discrimination for millions of people. Tune in to hear ACLU attorney Chase Strangio and ACLU of New Mexico attorney Lalita Moskowitz explain what the ruling means for the LGBTQ community across the country and in New Mexico as well as next steps for Congress.
La Corte Suprema dictaminó en junio que las personas LGBTQ no pueden ser despedidas debido a su orientación sexual o identidad de género como una cuestión de ley federal, afirmando las protecciones legales contra la discriminación laboral para millones de personas. Sintonice para escuchar al abogado de ACLU, Chase Strangio, y a la abogada de ACLU de Nuevo México, Lalita Moskowitz, explicar lo que significa el fallo para la comunidad LGBTQ en todo el país y en Nuevo México, así como los próximos pasos para el Congreso.
In Plain Sight: Hyde as a Religious Refusal in IHS / A plena vista: Hyde como un rechazo religioso en IHS (Inglés)
45 minutes for presentation
15 minutes for Q&A
In this panel, the Hyde Amendment and Indian Health Service is discussed as a religious refusal impacting Indigenous and Pueblo people in New Mexico and across the US.
En este panel, la Enmienda Hyde y el Indian Health Service se discuten como un ejemplo de un rechazo religioso que afecta a las comunidades indígenas en Nuevo México y en todo Estados Unidos.
Closing remarks and After School Special: Drag Queen Story Time Edition/ Palabras de clausura y especial ‘después de escuela’: Tiempo de Cuentos Drag Queen (Bilingue)*
45 minutes
Grab an after school snack and join us for drag queen story time! Our fabulous storytellers D’lite and Rumor will share their love for literacy and diversity with you. Tune in for English and Spanish book selections that celebrate unique families and the beauty of embracing ALL of our identities. When registering for this session, please indicate whether you would like a copy of the book sent to your little ones so they can follow along on October 14th!
We are offering free copies of the two books we will be reading for parents who want to follow along at home with their kids. Please remember to select this ticket option when registering. To ensure books arrive by Oct 14th, please register no later than Sep 29th
¡Agarra un bocadillo después de la escuela y únete a nosotros para el tiempo de cuentos de drag queen! Nuestros fabulosos narradores D’lite y Rumor compartirán contigo su amor por los libros y la diversidad. Tendremos selecciones de libros en inglés y español que celebran familias únicas y la belleza que es abrazar TODAS nuestras identidades.
Estamos ofreciendo copias gratuitas de los dos libros que estaremos leyendo para los padres que quieran seguir en casa con sus hijos. Recuerde agregar esta opción al registrarse. Para asegurar que los libros lleguen antes del 14 de octubre, regístrese antes del 29 de Septiembre.